Monday 30 August 2021

Benefits & Disadvantages of Video Games



So today Instead of what I normally do, today I want to talk about the importance and disadvantages of video games. But first I want to say that mom if you're reading thank you for introducing me to this topic. So most boys love video games some are even addicted to it but now you are going to hear the bad things that happen because of it.                                                                                                                                    

    Now we are going to talk about the disadvantages of video games. there are many disadvantages but I will say just 5  1. Gaming addiction negatively affects eyesight and also results in Insomnia. 2. Behavioral and mental changes. 3. Lack of other hobbies and poor academic performance. 4. Lethargic nature, which will also lead to weight gain. 5. Gaming addiction can slow down the brain growth.

   So the benefits of video games are 1. Visual-spatial skills. 2. Problem-solving. 3. Social connections. 4. Reading. Studies show that kids who play video games may get a small boost to their reading skills. 5. Imaginative play and creativity. Guys those are the benefits and disadvantages of video games and remember you shouldn't do video games too much.


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  you know what i said about typing earlier i lied                                   bye